- "A friend is thyself with whom you dare to be yourself ."
(Frank Crane)
- When a friend is in difficulty, don't irritate him by saying if there is something that you can
- do. Think for something fitting and go for it.
( Edgar Watson)- Don't walk in front of me and Don't walk behind me because I may not follow; I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just always be my friend.
- Make friends before you need them that is the best time.
(Ethel Barrymore)
- Place friends in best light and Treat your friends as you treat your pictures .
( Jerome Churchill)
- A true friend don't gets in your way until you is to be going down.
(Arnold H. Glasgow)
- The way to a friend's house is always short.
( Danish )
- Be a friend to thyself, and others will be so too.
(Thomas Fuller)
" speak less to people
you love the most....!
because if they cannot
understnad your silence
they can never understand
your words.....
"Love is the victory of imagination over intelligence ."
(Henry Louis)
- " Like the diseases , love beomes dangerous when it comes late in a life ."
- ( Byron)
If you get it [Love], then anything else you don't want, and if you don't get it, it
doesn't matter much what else you have. (Sir James M. Barrie)
"Love is an appealing desire to be unappealing desired ".
(Robert Frost)